The 2023 Challenge:

How the Human Brain Makes Sense of Natural Scenes

Challenge Overview

Understanding how the human brain works is one of the key challenges that science and society face. The Algonauts Challenge proposes a test of how well computational models do today. This test is intrinsically open and quantitative. This will allow us to precisely assess the progress in explaining the human brain.

At every blink our eyes are flooded by a massive array of photons—and yet, we perceive the visual world as ordered and meaningful. The primary target of the 2023 Challenge is predicting human brain responses to complex natural visual scenes, using the largest available brain dataset for this purpose.

Watching a visual scene activates large swathes of the human cortex. We pose the question: How well does your computational model account for these activations?

Watch the first video above for an introduction to the Algonauts 2023 Challenge and a detailed walkthrough of the development kit. When you are ready to participate, the second video will guide you through the CodaLab competition submission process.


The main goal of the Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge is to use computational models to predict brain responses recorded while participants view complex natural visual scenes.

Current computational models in AI are parameter rich and data-hungry. We thus partner with the Natural Scenes Dataset (NSD) team to provide the largest available set of brain responses to complex natural scenes. The NSD provides brain responses from 8 human participants to in total 73,000 different visual scenes. The brain responses were measured with functional MRI.

Learn more about the stimuli and fMRI dataset used in the 2023 Challenge

The goal of the Challenge is to predict brain responses across the whole visual brain. That is where the most reliable responses to images were found.

We provide i) a set of images and ii) the corresponding brain responses recorded while human participants viewed those images. With that, participants are expected to build computational models to predict brain responses for images which brain data we held out.

Participants submit predicted responses (for the provided set of brain surface vertices) in the format described in the development kit. We score the submission by measuring the predictivity for each vertex in the selected set for all the subjects and display the overall mean predictivity in the leaderboard calculated across all vertices and all subjects.

Participate in the 2023 Challenge

Challenge Data

Download the data for the Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge

Train Data

  • Images: For each of the 8 subjects there are [9841, 9841, 9082, 8779, 9841, 9082, 9841, 8779] different images (in '.png' format). As an example, the first training image of subject 1 is named 'train-0001_nsd-00013.png'. The first index ('train-0001') orders the images to match the stimulus images dimension of the fMRI train split data. This indexing starts from 1. The second index ('nsd-00013') corresponds to the 73,000 NSD image IDs that you can use to map the image back to the original '.hdf5' NSD image file (which contains all the 73,000 images used in the NSD experiment), and from there to the COCO dataset images for metadata). The 73,000 NSD images IDs in the filename start from 0, so that you can directly use them for indexing the '.hdf5' NSD images in Python. Note that the images used in the NSD experiment (and here in the Algonauts 2023 Challenge) are cropped versions of the original COCO images. Therefore, if you wish to use the COCO image metadata you first need to adapt it to the cropped image coordinates. You can find code to perform this operation here.
  • fMRI: Along with the train images we share the corresponding fMRI visual responses (as '.npy' files) of both the left hemisphere ('lh_training_fmri.npy') and the right hemisphere ('rh_training_fmri.npy'). The fMRI data is z-scored within each NSD scan session and averaged across image repeats, resulting in 2D arrays with the number of images as rows and as columns a selection of the vertices that showed reliable responses to images during the NSD experiment. The left (LH) and right (RH) hemisphere files consist of, respectively, 19,004 and 20,544 vertices, with the exception of subjects 6 (18,978 LH and 20,220 RH vertices) and 8 (18,981 LH and 20,530 RH vertices) due to missing data.

Test Data

  • Images: For each of the 8 subjects there are [159, 159, 293, 395, 159, 293, 159, 395] different images (in '.png' format). The file naming scheme is the same as for the train images.
  • fMRI: The corresponding fMRI visual responses are not released.

Region-of-Interest (ROI) Indices

The visual cortex is divided into multiple areas having different functional properties, referred to as regions-of-interest (ROIs). Along with the fMRI data we provide ROI indices for selecting vertices belonging to specific visual ROIs, that Challenge participants can optionally use at their own discretion (e.g., to build different encoding models for functionally different regions of the visual cortex). However, the Challenge evaluation score is computed over all available vertices, and not over any single ROI. For the ROI definition please see the NSD paper. Note that not all ROIs exist in all subjects. Following is the list of ROIs provided (ROI class file names in parenthesis):

  • Early retinotopic visual regions (prf-visualrois): V1v, V1d, V2v, V2d, V3v, V3d, hV4.
  • Body-selective regions (floc-bodies): EBA, FBA-1, FBA-2, mTL-bodies.
  • Face-selective regions (floc-faces): OFA, FFA-1, FFA-2, mTL-faces, aTL-faces.
  • Place-selective regions (floc-places): OPA, PPA, RSC.
  • Word-selective regions (floc-words): OWFA, VWFA-1, VWFA-2, mfs-words, mTL-words.
  • Anatomical streams (streams): early, midventral, midlateral, midparietal, ventral, lateral, parietal.

ROIs surface plots. Visualizations of subject 1 ROIs on surface plots. Different ROIs are represented using different colors. The names of missing ROIs are left in black.

Development Kit

We provide a Colab tutorial in Python where we take you all the way from data input to Challenge submission. In particular, we show you how to:

  • Load and visualize the fMRI data, its ROIs, and the corresponding image conditions.
  • Build linearizing encoding models using a pretrained AlexNet architecture, evaluate them, and visualize the resulting prediction accuracy.
  • Prepare the predicted brain responses to the test images in the right format for submission to the Challenge website.


Rank Team Name Challenge Score Report Code Visualization
1 huze 70.8473 Report Code Visualization
2 hosseinadeli 63.5229 Report Code Visualization
3 UARK-SUNY-Albany 61.5693 Report Code Visualization
4 CYHSM 60.8190 Visualization
5 cvailab 60.6817 Visualization
6 BlobGPT 60.2472 Report Code
7 lisq 59.6215 Visualization
8 takuya 59.2217 Report Code Visualization
9 ashes 58.7017 Visualization
10 koelma 58.6946 Visualization
11 kyti 58.6272
12 grapeot 57.6842
13 ChanceLevel 56.9884 Visualization
14 zcboluo 53.9323 Visualization
15 skyboy23 53.9259 Visualization
16 IVACoders 53.6696 Visualization
17 taru 53.5135
18 fractalencoders 53.4228 Visualization
19 PaulScotti 52.2649 Visualization
20 es123 52.0784 Visualization
21 slavaheroes 50.6321 Report Code Visualization
22 LukeK 49.1195
23 RLeipe 48.7589
24 dpan 48.7225 Visualization
25 catosine 48.4552
26 Yinglab 48.2846 Visualization
27 Dandelion 48.1315 Visualization
28 q710572172 47.8408 Visualization
29 Divyanshu-Bhatt 47.6603
30 skynet 47.6533
31 Rxliang 47.6037
32 iannwtf 47.3071
33 yunagi 46.9504
34 henry 46.2651 Report Code Visualization
35 matteoferrante 45.2463
36 jschubeck 45.2193
37 simoneazeglio 44.4575
38 MASS 44.0524
39 Yoshito 43.9263
40 artem9k 43.0304
41 ffan 42.9663 Visualization
42 random-walk 42.5818 Visualization
43 giorgiocarbone 42.4919 Code
44 Anonymous_user 42.3535 Visualization
45 neuro_enc 42.2649
46 ConvolutionalSlayers 42.2471
47 csng_team 41.7998 Visualization
48 ne 41.7412
49 ccc29 41.3450
50 Roman_Beliy 41.2527 Visualization
51 kitahashi 40.8347 Visualization
52 OrganizerBaseline 40.4222 Visualization
53 flash00 40.3870
54 BJ_Summer 40.2981 Visualization
55 aborovykh 40.1590 Visualization
56 Takuma.B 40.1230
57 Riccardo-Chimisso 39.9926 Report Code Visualization
58 s.m 39.7824 Visualization
59 vstark21 38.0716
60 yzl18 37.3623 Visualization
61 Kriti 36.9284 Visualization
62 mmxia 36.8178 Visualization
63 Mei 36.7625 Visualization
64 hwgu 36.5715
65 beizai 36.4533 Visualization
66 KatanaGirl 36.1601 Visualization
67 kadaj13 36.1601 Visualization
68 qrx 35.9656
69 trungpham 35.8158
70 Yizhuo_Lu 34.4342 Visualization
71 jroth 34.4181
72 Flo2306 33.2701
73 anp 33.2054
74 kawa 32.9845
75 qasymjomart 32.4863 Visualization
76 shinouta 32.3211
77 Cyb3rBlaze 31.9342
78 lightdisappear 31.7650
79 chandrakant 31.6927
80 Wenshuo 31.6471
81 ShijZ 27.6497
82 multivariate 22.9256
83 HomoDigitalis 22.4356
84 Cris 21.8303
85 Ryoto 21.8115
86 Subhrasankar 21.5636 Visualization
87 shuhei019 18.6579
88 kuma 18.6412
89 goldy-fj 17.8612
90 XUJT 17.5636
91 alex12341 17.4030 Visualization
92 shinji 17.2762
93 chenjuun 16.7032
94 nystrom 14.9991
95 chadyang 14.6997
96 tsneurotech 14.5501
97 advaith 13.9676 Visualization
98 atsuki 13.3175
99 ping 10.4776
100 contestant1 10.2275 Visualization
101 cuikailong 9.2913
102 swest19 9.1866
103 daochang-liu 8.5897
104 jajoosam 5.2462
105 annie_johansson 2.9330
106 contestant3 1.5685 Visualization
107 bjmiao 1.4248

The Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge Leaderboard. The Challenge Score is the mean noise-normalized encoding accuracy of our held-out brain data across the vertices of all subjects and hemispheres (see details). View the leaderboard on CodaLab here.

Challenge Evaluation Metric

To determine how well your models encode brain responses (i.e., the models' encoding accuracy) we compare your submitted predicted brain data (the one predicted by your model to the left out test images) to the empirically measured brain responses. Specifically, we (1) correlate the predicted test fMRI data with the corresponding ground truth fMRI data (across image conditions, independently for each vertex), (2) square the correlation coefficients of each vertex, and (3) normalize the resulting value of each vertex by its noise ceiling. Your leaderboard ranking metric is determined by the mean noise-normalized encoding accuracy across all the vertices of all subjects and hemispheres:

where ν is the index of vertices (over all subjects and hemispheres), t is the index of the test stimuli images, G and P correspond to, respectively, the ground truth and predicted fMRI test data, and are the ground truth and predicted fMRI test data averaged across test stimuli images, R is the Pearson correlation coefficient between G and P, and NC is the noise ceiling.

How to Predict Brain Data Using Computational Models?

There are different ways to predict brain data using computational models. We put close to no restrictions on how you do so (see Challenge Rules). However, a commonly used approach is to use linearizing encoding models, and we provide a development kit to implement such a model.

Click here to learn more about linearizing encoding

Challenge Rules and Best Practices

1. Participants can make a maximum of 3 submissions per day and 250 submissions over the entire competition. Each challenge participant can only compete using one account. Creating multiple accounts to increase the number of possible submissions will result in disqualification to the challenge.

2. Participants can use any (external) data for model building and any model. However, participants that use the test set for training will be disqualified (in particular brain data generated using the test set). Also, if you ever had access to the fMRI test data you cannot participate in the challenge.

3. Participants should be ready to upload a short report (~4-8 pages) describing their model building process for their best model to a preprint server (e.g. bioRxiv, arXiv) and send the PDF or preprint link to the organizers by filling out this form. You must submit the Challenge report by the Challenge report submission deadline to be considered for the evaluation of challenge outcomes. While all reports are encouraged to link to their code (e.g. GitHub), sharing code is mandatory for the top three submissions. Participants that do not make their approach open and transparent cannot be considered.

Important Dates

Train data, test stimuli, and development kit released: January 14th, 2023
Challenge submission deadline: July 26th, 2023 at 11:59pm (UTC-4)
Challenge report/code submission deadline: August 2nd, 2023
Challenge results released: August 10th, 2023
Sessions at CCN 2023: August 25–26th, 2023

If you participate in the Challenge, use this form to submit the Challenge report and code.


This research was funded by DFG (CI-241/1-1, CI241/1-3,CI-241/1-7) and ERC grant (ERC-2018-StG) to RMC; NSF award (1532591) in Neural and Cognitive Systems, the Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship program funded by the ONR (N00014-16-1-3116) and MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab to AO; the Alfons and Gertrud Kassel foundation to GR. Collection of the NSD dataset was supported by NSF IIS-1822683 and NSF IIS-1822929.
